Belt coupling is one of the most common methods of transmission of speed and power in compressors. In this method, the speed and power of the electric motor are transferred to the air conditioner unit by pulley and belt.
Due to the power of the electric motor, a number of grooves are installed on the pulleys and the belts are placed on these grooves and perform the task of transmitting speed and power. The higher the power of the electric motor, the greater the number of belts.
This method has advantages and disadvantages:
- Ability to use the maximum power of the electric motor and produce the highest volume of compressed air according to the working pressure
- Using the belt as a mechanical fuse and preventing the transmission of shocks and vibrations of the electromotor to the air conditioner unit
- Reduce compressor dimensions compared to direct coupling compressors
- Ability to determine the speed of the air conditioner unit and obtain the required pressure and flow
- Loss of about 5% of the electromotor power as heat in the transfer from the electromotor to the air conditioner unit
- Creating radial force to the bearings of electric motors and air conditioners and, naturally, increasing maintenance and repair costs and reducing the time interval between repairs
- Produces more noise than direct coupling compressors